July 11, 2013

Kendi's Kitchen: Shrimp Scampi pasta

One of the blogs I look at every day has amazing recipes on it.  I think those girls really love to cook.  I haven't had the guts to try anything until they posted a pasta with shrimp.  To be honest, cooking shrimp intimidates me.  But the ladies at A Beautiful Mess gave good instructions on how to cook the frozen stuff, so when Kevin called and asked "what do you want for dinner?", I emailed him the link.  He said he could do it so we were off and running to our first meal using shrimp.  It came out great!  Now, the possibilities are endless...


Shrimp Scampi Pasta via A Beautiful Mess

1/2 red bell pepper
1/4 cup chopped onion
4-5 garlic cloves, chopped
4 tablespoons butter
1/2 tablespoon EVOO
1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes
1/2 cup white wine
1/2 lb. cooked, frozen shrimp
salt + pepper
1/2 cup Parmesan
1/4 cup chopped parsley (fresh is best but dried works too)
1 lemon

In a large pan melt the butter and oil together. Add the onions and red pepper, cook.  Add in the garlic and let cook another minute or two. Pour in the wine and cook until reduced slightly.
Cook the pasta.  Drain and set aside.  Add the shrimp to the veggie pan (thaw it first).  Add red pepper flakes and lightly salt and pepper everything. Once everything is warmed through but there is still plenty of liquid in the pan add in the cooked pasta and Parmesan. Toss so everything gets lightly coated in the cheese.  Squeeze on some fresh lemon juice and sprinkle on the parsley.

Really good.  An easy recipe to try cooking shrimp.  If you use a whole box of pasta, you get a couple meals out of it.

Time:  30 min
Servings:  4
Leftovers:  yes
Cost:  $6

July 7, 2013

Fourth of July

Since I wasn't on call for the fourth, we decided to head up to Chattanooga, TN to visit Kevin's friend Shawn.  We had a BBQ, traded recipes and told stories.  I even tried out a new pin.  It was a great evening.  

Oh, and we made a new friend.


This is Chewy.  He's was such a little wiggler!

 I found "Firecracker Cookies" on Pinterest.  They seemed pretty easy so I gave them a try.  I made some sugar cookies, frosted them with white and blue frosting and sprinkled red Pop Rocks on top.  Well, didn't know that the moisture in frosting was enough to set the Pop Rocks off.  They starting popping right away.  By the time it was ready to eat them, the Pop Rocks were all melted and gross looking.  Next time, I will add the Pop Rocks right before I serve them.

70's Pop Rocks

Kendi's Kitchen: One Pot Pasta

Kevin does most of the cooking at the Kendi Haus (he is braver than me).  I've said it before and I'll say it again: I'm so lucky I married a man that can cook.

We've had this twice.  It's from Pinterest via Martha Stewart.  I was skeptical at first, but it turned out really nice.  Highly recommended for a quick dinner that will impress.


One Pot Pasta (link to Martha)

1 box of linguini
1 can diced tomatos
1 sliced onion
4-5 sliced garlic cloves (we always use more garlic than the recipe says)
1/2 tsp red pepper flakes
some fresh basil leaves (we just grab some and go)
4 1/2 cups of chicken broth (we use the powder and and make our own)
2 tbsp EVOO
2 tsp oregano

Cut up you veggies, make the broth and get the spices.  Put everything in a big pot.  You don't have to cook the pasta first, just put everything in the pot.  Cover the pot and bring to a boil.  Reduce the heat to simmer for 10 minutes, covered.  Stir every now and then.  Cook until there's no liquid left, or just a little left.  Season with salt, pepper and Parmesan. 

You wouldn't think this would work, but the pasta cooks and it has a lot of flavor.  Makes great leftovers if you use the whole box of pasta.

Time:  20 min
Servings: 4+
Cost: $3
Leftovers:  yes

Get YDFM bread as a great side