August 4, 2013

Kiki and Jen's TC Wedding

Our wedding season is officially over!  Kiki and Jen got married in Traverse City, MI on July 27th.  It was a very beautiful wedding in a very beautiful place.  Everyone had a great time and I really enjoyed visiting one of Michigan's vacation spots (cuz MI is gorgeous in the summer).  

Congratulations Kiki and Jen!  We love you and wish you many years of happiness!


Getting ready to set up

Alysa and Ashley worked really hard to hang this

This takes me back :)

Getting hitched! 

First Dance

Kiki's dance with her mom

Pretty barn

They look so happy

I also got to bounce with Liam at breakfast.  That was a workout!

I was so busy at the wedding that the only pic I got of me and Kevin wasn't very good.  :(  But I did get cute pics of Kevin.   


  1. Looks like everyone had a great time.
    Loved the barn & lights. You look
    good holding Liam. Glad you got to enjoy Pure Michigan at this time of year.

  2. Great post Mama! Love the pics!
