September 11, 2013

Boxes, Boxes, Everywhere Boxes

It's been just over a week since I joined Mandi in our new home and we're surrounded by boxes. One of the challenges for this move is that we moved into a house about half the size of our last house, so we've had to think creatively about how to fit things into the house. We're also being pretty cutthroat about what actually makes it into the house. This is definitely an opportunity for us to clear out some of the clutter in our lives and simplify a bit. Unpacking has been a little slow-going, but we're making progress. We have the kitchen unpacked and we can finally cook again. We were both getting sick of eating out so much, even though it did give us an excuse to try some restaurants in Port St. Lucie. Hopefully as we get more settled we'll have more time to post some updates about our adventures in Port St. Lucie.

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