March 15, 2014

And Then There Were Three...

That's right!  The Kendi Haus is expecting!  We are so excited to be welcoming our first little one this summer.  Stay tuned for all the drama of our journey, starting from day 1!


March 5, 2014

Lent 2014

It's Ash Wednesday!  For all the Catholics out there, this means the first day of Lent.  You've had your packzis and now you are ready to go through 40 days of some sort of fast.  This year, Kevin had a great idea.  He heard that the new pope was trying to encourage more charity.  He then read about this man that gave up his six figure a year job and downsized to a one bedroom apartment and is happier than ever.  Kevin put both of those things together to come up with our goal for Lent 2014.  We are going to donate one item from each of us every day.  This helps us in two ways: we get rid of things we've hoarding (cuz really, two people don't need this much stuff), making our lives easier and we give to those who need.  I can't think of a better way to celebrate Lent.  I'm so proud of Kevin for coming up with it.  

To make it more like a fast, which should be difficult, we are also doing the Dave Ramsey Financial Fast.  This basically means that we buy food and gas and that's it, unless we absolutely need it.  So, no more eating out for us, no more shopping for me.  THIS is probably going to be the hardest Lent I have ever done, but I think it will be the most rewarding.  getting healthy physically and financially will help us get healthy mentally and emotionally too.  

We didn't really plan for starting today, which was our bad.   We got off to a rough start, both of us needing breakfast since we had cleaned out our supply at home.  I think we will be better prepared next week.

Wish us luck and I'll keep you posted!
