September 4, 2012

Beef Stir Fry

Every now and then, Kohls does their Kohls Cares promotional merchandise.  One round included a "weekend" meals cookbook by Good House Keeping.  It caught Kevin's eye on the bookshelf last week and he dog-eared a bunch of recipes that were quick and easy.  The first one we tried was Beef Stir Fry.  We had always made chicken stir fry so beef was a nice switch.  The streak continues, Kevin nailed it.  :)

You can find the recipe here at  (We added baby corns because they we on sale at Kroger.  They are NEVER on sale!)


I always eat stir fry with chopsticks.  It's just faster.  :)

Here's the money shot...
Cost:  about $8
Servings: 4-5
Leftovers:  Yes
Time:  15 min

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