September 17, 2012

Thrifty Tips #1-3

New segment on Kendi Haus:  money-saving tips we have figured out, heard about, like, don't like, etc.  Hope this will be enlightening to all of you that work hard for your money, and hate to throw it away.

#1.  Most of the time, block cheese is cheaper than shredded cheese.  So, we just buy the block cheese and shred it ourselves.  It's visually more appealing than the shredded because it doesn't have that anti-caking chemical they add (WTH is that anyway?!).  Because of this, it clumps together.  But that's easy to work around.

#2.  When milk is close to its expiration date and we aren't going to use it all, we freeze it in an ice cube try.  Each cube is equivalent to one ounce.  This is really handy for buttermilk, which is pricey (we have a great pancake recipe that uses buttermilk).

#3.  We make great chicken noodle soup over here in the Haus of Kendi.  Recently, we did the math and found out that if you buy the jar of bouillon, it is significantly cheaper than buying the cans of chicken broth.  The jar makes about 10 cups for half the price.  And you can get it in the low sodium version (which we prefer) which really saves you moola.



  1. LOVE the tips! Here's one I just learned: if you have peppers that you're not going to use before they wrinkle or dry out, you can dice them up and freeze them in good 'ole Ziploc bags. Then you can just grab a handful or two for sauces, salads, etc!

    1. We do this too, with green and white onions! I add green onions to everything. :) We've even started cutting them up in different sizes depending on how we're going to use them. Right now we have diced, for omlets and pizzas, sliced for fajitas and chopped for stir fry. Makes prep time go WAY faster. ;)

  2. Brilliant thrifty tips. It is practical, admiring and insightful. Keep it up and thanks for sharing.
