#6. You can use white vinegar to get rid of toe fungus. I did a lot of research when I got a weird looking big toe a year and a half ago. There is a prescription drug that's supposed to clear it up, but the side effect is a possible damaged liver. And from what people said, it didn't even work. So, save your liver and your wallet and go get a $0.99 bottle of white vinegar from the grocery store, apply to the effected toe twice a day WITHOUT FAIL, until the toe nail grows out (about a year). Its a long process, but it really works. I promise. You just need patience and determination.
#7. If you ever get Pantry Moths, vinegar is going to be one of many weapons of choice to eliminate the little buggers. I recommend going to your local hardware store and buying the traps (be warned, they are pricey). These will kill the moths that are flying around. But to get rid of the invisible eggs and the cocoons, wipe your whole pantry down with some diluted vinegar, let it sit for a couple minutes, then follow up with some water. This should kill anything that might be wanting to show up in the coming months.
#6 is good to know, but ewwwwwww!! ;)