November 28, 2012

Santa Mail

A couple weeks ago, I was walking around Macy's and this caught my eye...

So, I sat down and wrote a letter.  I asked for two very important things.  I'm pretty sure one of the things is easier (and possible, for that matter) to get than the other.  I guess I'll just have to wait to found out if I've been a good girl this year...



Found this gem at Scotts Antique Market last month for $2.  I'm going to put my crayons in it.  

I love it when a plan comes together.


November 23, 2012

Thanksgiving and Black Friday

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  I hope that you all had a great day filled with family, friends and food.  Kevin and I went to The Quirks house.  We had a great evening with Meg and Nick, her parents, her grandma and her brother.  The food was great.  Kevin made his mom's broccoli casserole and it was a big hit.   We also had two pies for dessert, pumpkin and chocolate.  We spent the day watching football, looking at clothes, talking and playing cards.  It was a great day with friends. 

My Gratitude List 2012
my health
my family
a job
my dogs
a roof over my head
my freedom
new opportunities in 2013
the men and women of the US military

What are you thankful for?

Our Thanksgiving table

Me and Meg.  I always perch by the fire.

Me and my new friend Aubree

Thanksgiving makes everyone get along...

We also got up at 6:30 am to participate in Black Friday.  i have never gotten up early for Black Friday.  I have shopped on Black Friday, but on my schedule.  Last year I got the black leather boots i had been hunting for for a really good price, at 1pm.  This year, we were in need of a new vacuum.  You can't be in a house with two dogs and a cat and no vacuum for very long.  Sam's Club had a good deal so we decided to get there when they opened to see if we could get it.  It wasn't that bad!  They gave us coffee while we waited in line and we only had to wait 15 minutes.  There was barely a crowd and everyone seemed to know what they wanted.  We all walked to our items, loaded them up, paid and walked out.  We were in the store 30 minutes.  I had so much fun, I decided to try other stores.  We went to Walmart where I got some socks and a Christmas present.  Then we went to JCP where Kevin got a sport coat for $40 and jeans for $15.  I got a pair of leather booties for $20.  After a quick trip to Target we went home and watched some of the movies we got.  Then I passed out.  It was a good day.  :)


The line

Reading the ads while waiting in line

November 14, 2012

Holiday Cakes

In my opinion, one of the biggest perks to living in the south is Publix.  It's a grocery store and they have the MOST FABULOUS bakery ever.  If I would have gotten married in ATL, my wedding cake would have come from Publix.  Hands down.

Check out these tasty gems sitting in the cake display...
Turkey cake and Ham cake

Is that not the cutest?!  I would love to show up to Thanksgiving with that turkey cake in tow...


Library Books - Week 3

Here is the round up for this weeks worth of library books.  Went a little overboard...

Still obsessing over interior design and fashion, but I'm gearing up for my "Pinterest Christmas" and got some DIY books too.  :)


Technical Difficulties Back

So, I thought I was good to go at work but I was wrong (as evidenced by this post).  Unfortunately, this means new posts will come in groups instead of on a regular basis.  I hope I can figure out a blogging schedule for home.  Stay tuned!


November 12, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday, Maddy!!

Happy belated (only by one day!) birthday to my sweet and lovable little goddaughter, Madilyn!  If you are keeping up, that makes her DOB 11/11/11.  How cool is that?!  

Maddy, your Aunt Mandi and Uncle Kevin can't wait to watch you grow into the wonderful person we know you will become.  I can't wait to be the aunt that teaches you all the fun stuff.  And I hope that if I start working on your mom now, she will let you spend a summer or two with us in the years to come.  :)

We love you!

Haus of Kendi

Very first taste of b-day cake!

Aaaanndd...We're Back!

Sorry for the lag time between posts.  Had some technical difficulties over here at the Kendi Haus.  And by technical difficulties, I mean I got a new computer at work which didn't allow me to post anything new.  I usually put together a quick post while eating my lunch or when the day is slow. 

But we're back to biz-nass as usual!  Lots of new recipes, deals and news to share with everyone.  Thanks for being patient. 

Cheers!  :)