November 4, 2014

First Halloween

We kicked off Gunnar's first Halloween season by participating in an event at our Babies R Us.  I didn't have his costume ready yet, so he wore a pirate onesie that I though was hilarious.  We got to meet Geoffrey!

The next weekend we went to a "pumpkin patch".  It was the best FLorida had to offer and I had to get my picture.  Little Punkin got a little pumpkin and we had fun posing him with all the pumpkins.  The guy that was running it had his puppy with him, so we got to pet the doggie too.  After the pumpkins, we went strolling around Stuart, cuz it was such a nice day.

This is what Gunnar thought of the Florida pumpkin patch
Boardwalk in Stuart

Finally, on Halloween, we went trick-or-treating at Publix for a few and came home to hand out candy to the neighborhood kids.  Its worth it to note that these costumes go great with Chester and Freeman's convict costumes from 2009.  The whole family participated in Cops and Robbers 2014.

Can't wait til next year!  I already have Gunnar Bear's costume figured out!


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