March 20, 2015

Mom Hair

There were three things I promised my younger self I would NEVER do when I had kids:

1. Own a mini van
2. Wear mom jeans
3. Have mom hair

We do not own a mini van.  I believe everything can be accomplished by an SUV, specifically a Jeep.  And I do not own a pair of mom jeans, although I now understand the appeal.  And I'm still rocking my long locks.

I had no intention to cut my hair at all (despite warnings from an absolutely horrible pediatrician about it being a problem with Gunnar) until I saw this picture:

Haden Panettiere's haircut here has me seriously considering a major change, and a slide into mom hair territory.  Only problem, my hair is not as thick as hers, so it will never look like this.  But, it is so tempting...

And her outfit is cute too.


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