May 29, 2015

Eight Months

So, I'm really late with this post.  I took the pic when he was eight months, but things have been so busy, I didn't get a chance to post it in April.  Anyway, here he is!



- He's CRAWLING!!  No way was he sitting still for a pic!

- Lifts arms up to be picked up

- Very clingy

- We kinda went backwards on our sleeping progress.

- Eats a lot more now and we're having cereal for breakfast and fruits and veggies for lunch and dinner

- First road trip up I-75!

- Moved to his second state

- First time in the RV

- First overnight stay in a hotel

- Said goodbye to daycare

- First picture day at school

- "Talks" all the time now.  Likes the "d" and "g" sounds

- Grabs EVERYTHING within reach

- Got diaper rash for the first time (I think that's pretty good seeing as though he's 8 months old...)

- Loves shoes

- Sits in a highchair now!

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