March 31, 2016

2016 New Year's Resolutions

Every year I make the same New Year's resolutions.  You know, lose weight, be nicer, save money. The same ones everyone makes.  This year, I made the same ones, but I added some very specific, attainable goals too.  The first?  Give up pop for a year.  So far, I've actually stuck to this one.  It's been hard.  I really like pop.  But, how cool would it be to say I gave it up for a year?!

The second:  do two random acts of kindness a month.  This one is turning out to be harder than I thought.  I kind of cheated for January.  I didn't expect to be so shy and timid when I see an opportunity to do something nice.  It frustrates me that I, and society, can't really speak out or act without fear of offending some one or getting physically hurt.  I don't want to be this way and I want to be the change in the world.  It's going to be a long year...


Here are my January RAoK;

1:  bought GS cookies for soldiers (you can do this right on the order form)

2:  grabbed this on my way out of Kroger.  Hey, start small end big.

And my February RAoC:

I offered multiple homeless people food.  They didn't take it (said they had enough food). This both hurt my feelings and bugged me.  But I'm still going to keep trying. 

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