March 7, 2016

Home Sweet Home

Last month, we bought a house.  It was a long process of getting to that large table in the title office and signing all those papers.  To be honest, I wasn't that excited.  I loved the house we picked, don't get me wrong.  I had just gotten to the point of thinking it was never going to be mine. 

Well, it is.  And it's amazing.  It's the first place that is MINE.  And Kevin's too.  Lol.  But I own a house!  Hol. y. Crap.  I still can't believe it.  We dove right into painting it.  I knew a few colors right away.  I'd love to get Gunnar's room all finished before he sees the house. I'd love to open the door to his new, finished room and see him run around it and check everything out.  I know that he's going to take this transition hard.  He's used to seeing his grandparents regularly and he has his friends at school.  I hope he gets over it quickly since he will have his own space finally.  

I have always wondered what having complete control over where I live would feel like.  So far, it feels amazing.  


At the closing.  Got the keys!!

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