I decided that if I'm going to lose weight and get in shape (and stay that way), I needed to make more gradual changes rather than trying to lose the weight quickly. I found the Runs for Cookies blog a while ago and one of her strongest recommendations is to start by making small changes that add up to a big change in the end. I also don't want to give up all the good food options :). My plan is to make a series of healthy changes during the year leading up to my 40th birthday. I've read that new habits take about 40 days to really stick. I don't want to wait that long in between changes, so I'm going to introduce a new change every two weeks. Some of the changes will be giving up a bad habit. Others will be incorporating a new healthy habit. The first changes focus on food because a healthy weight starts in the kitchen. So far I have ideas for 9 of the 26 changes. I might decide that I need to devote more time to make sure some of the changes become permanent before moving on to the next one on the list.
Here are the ideas I have so far. I would certainly welcome suggestions for other healthy habits.
- Give up pop
- Fix breakfast
- Pack lunch
- Stop eating out
- Eat at least 2 fruits a day
- Exercise 30 minutes 3x a week
- Exercise 30 minutes 5x a week
- 10,000 steps a day
- Bodyweight exercises 2x a week
- Weight: 228 lbs
- Pant size: 38 in waist
- Shirt size: XL (16.5/17 in neck)
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