August 25, 2012

Dinner and a Movie

Kendi Haus friday nights are always very low key.  We usually curl up to a Netflix movie or long over due TV episodes.  Yesterday, fish and Red Tails.  Cheers!

Garlicky Grilled Tilapia with coucous

The recipe is courtesy of Real Simple and can be found here.  It is a really easy fish recipe that is sooo good!  Highly recommended!

Cost:  $4
Servings:  2
Leftovers:  no
Time:  30 min

I love WWII movies.  I think everyone has a period in history they would love to visit and mine is 1940's America.  I believe that this generation is the greatest generation of Americans since the Revolutionaries (and probably the greatest the nation will ever see...).  Give me a good WWII movie any day.  And this one was pretty good.  :)

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