August 30, 2012

Pan-Roasted Chicken w Lemon Garlic veggies

We have another winner!!  The Kendi Haus has been on quite a streak when it comes to finding good recipes for dinner.  Kevin has gotten so good at cooking, I can honestly say I don't really miss eating out.  :) 

Last night was Pan-Roasted Chicken with Lemon Garlic green beans and potatoes from Real Simple, found here.  I chose this recipe because everything is made in one pan.  I thought it would be nice to pull the entire meal out of the oven in one shot.  We ended up using regular potatoes instead of red because that is what we had.  The green beans ended up getting a lot of lemon taste so next time, we will either use less lemons in the pan or try and put the potatoes between the lemons and beans.  All in all, this is a keeper!  Cheers!

Cost:  less than $5
Servings:  4 (because that's what fit nicely in our dish)
Leftovers:  yes
Time:  1.75 hours

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