May 18, 2013

Doody Head?

We FINALLY got a Five Below down here.  I fell in love with this store when my BFF took me to it in MI last year.  Everything in it $5 or less.  My best purchases have been $5 rain boots and dog beds and $3 Sally Hanson nail stickers, which retail in other stores for 10 bucks.  All the parents out there, they have great selection of toys.

Speaking of toys, while I was browsing the board game section, I came across this:

Yup.  That would be a game where to try to catch cloth piles of poop onto your head (it sticks to the Velcro).  I'm sure this is probably really fun at drunk college parties...


May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

To all the moms out there, we at the Kendi Haus hope you have a great day!  For the seasoned moms, may today bring appreciation for all the years of hard work, love and advice.  For the new moms, may you enjoy some rest and relaxation and snuggles from your minis.  :)

Haus of Kendi

May 10, 2013

Thrifty Tip #10 - Garlic Bread

I love Texas Toast.  I love to pile my pasta on top of it and eat it.  But I don't like how much it costs.  Here is a trick my mom taught me years ago, and my BFF Kimmy just reminded me of.

Quick and Easy Garlic Bread

Get a slice of bread, any bread.  I've used hamburger buns, hot dog buns, and end pieces of bread.  Get some tub butter and put it in a bowl.  Add some garlic powder and pizza seasoning (I use Penzey's Pizza Seasoning) or Italian seasonings.  Spread it on the bread and bake at 450 until golden brown.  We put ours right on our pizza stone.  That's it.  Easy peasy!


May 8, 2013

Tiona's 420 Wedding

I made it through the first of two weddings I have this year!  Tiona's 420 wedding was gorgeous.  She looked amazing and I had so much fun meeting her friends from college. My best friend Kimmy was a bridesmaid too so we got to do all the fun "wedding beautification" together.  Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Hayes!


All ready for the wedding!

The beautiful bride

I love this shot.  The MOB and MOG holding hands while praying

Friends for 15 years...

Heelllooo Kimmyyy...

Hoochie Mama tradition

The cake


May 6, 2013

Energy Balls

My Dad turned us on to this VERY simple recipe when we were home a while ago.  We call them energy balls.  They are all over pinterest and are the easiest, most filling snack I have ever had.  And they don't taste like you're being good, which is always a plus.  I highly recommend making a batch.  I grab two for breakfast as I'm running out the door and they hold me over until lunch.  And bonus: they are totally customizable.  :)  Here's the recipe we use. 


Energy Balls

1 cup dry oatmeal (oats)
2/3 cup toasted coconut flakes
1/2 cup peanut butter
1/2 cup ground flaxseed
1/2 cup mini chocolate chips
1/3 cup honey
1 tsp vanilla

Toast coconut flakes in a small pan at medium heat on stove top.  Keep moving the flakes around so they don't get burned.  Mix all ingredients in a bowl.  I try to put the chocolate chips on the bottom so the coconut doesn't melt them until I stir everything in.  Let it sit in the fridge for a bit to harden up.  Make into balls.  Store in the fridge.

If you don't like chocolate, try dried fruit or nuts.  And you can make these without including the flaxseed if you want. 

Tiona's Bachelorette Party

My girl Tiona had her bachelorette party on St. Patty's Day.  It was at MGM in Detroit.  It was a crazy, fun night with a great group of girls.  Had to send one of my oldest friends off to marriage in style!  ;-)


Cute Victoria's Secret themed cookies

Jumpsuit - JCP  Obi belt - The Limited

May 4, 2013

Georgia Yellow Snow

Atlanta doesn't get snow like other states get snow.  For one thing, it happens in the Spring instead of the winter.  And it isn't white, it's yellow.  It doesn't give you a cold or the flu, but it does make you sneeze and get a runny nose.  Your eyes will probably itch too.  It is pollen.  And I hate it.


Can you see the yellow?

May 3, 2013

Late Post: Chattanooga Visit

When we on our way home to MI for Christmas last year, we took a little detour through Chattanooga to visit Kevin's friend Shawn.  Shawn has a store that sells various goods from local artists and craftsmen.  Shawn himself makes soda.  Organic soda to be exact.  He is one of the founders of Pure Sodaworks.  Their unique flavors of soda have been featured in magazines and Food Network's Alton Brown gave them a shout out when he tried some at an event.  They are now selling their fabulous soda in restaurants throughout Chattanooga.  So, if you happen to be in town, stop by the River Street Makery and grab a bottle.  I recommend the Apple Pie.  Make sure to take one home to make a float.  And I'd totally buy a candle too.  :)


A riverboat downtown

Kevin finds his name on the Kickstarter wall of fame

Shawn shows us the bottler

This was amazing.  Pure Sodaworks Apple Pie float

DIY Fabric Softener

I'm really excited about this one.  I waited MONTHS for my Sam's Club sized container of fabric softener to run out so I could make my own.  I found the recipe via Pinterest (where all awesome things are found...) and finally made my own version a couple weeks ago.  It was super easy and super cheap, I had all but one ingredient.  I've been using it for a little over a week now and it seems to be fine.  Can't really smell it, but I never smelled the store bought stuff either.  Looks like this ones a keeper!

Here's what you'll need to make your own batch:

6 cups HOT water
3 cups white vinegar
2 cups hair conditioner (I used Suave because its cheap and good)

First, I measured out the conditioner.  Then I microwaved the six cups of water to make it REALLY hot.  I wanted to make sure that all the conditioner was dissolved.  Then I added the vinegar.  I mixed it all up in an empty water jug. 

Shake it!

Then you just shake, shake, shake!  That's it.  Once the bubbles settle, it's ready to use.  I use it in a Downy ball.  Never buying fabric softener again!
