August 23, 2014

He's Here!!

We waited patiently for nine months.  Turns out our little man is like his mama and likes to be early to an event.  Born at 38 weeks and 4 days, the Kendi Haus is proud to introduce:

Gunnar McNulty Schwemmin
aka Gunnar Bear
Born August 4, 2014 at 10:53 pm
8lbs 5oz
22 inches

He's his parents pride and joy already.  We're a little late with this post, but we have a good excuse.  We have a newborn and therefore no sleep or free time.  :)  Stay tuned for Gunnar Bear's birth story, tons of pics and everything we learn along the way.  I'll also be finishing the Bump Diaries series even though that got really off track too, but I want this entire pregnancy documented.

Cheers and here's to our new chapter!  


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