This new person we will be bringing home from the hospital requires some things too. Mainly clothes. I'm sure he'll love nakey time like all kids love nakey time, but I don't think that would be appropriate for the car ride home. :)
Here is the breakdown of Little Man's hospital bag (which I just put in my bag).
1. Blanket - I was told that we won't get to keep the blanket from the hospital. I'm going to try anyway, but if I fail, here is what he will come home in.
Update: We ended up with two blankets from the hospital. They gave us them.
2. Going Home Outfit - I've been told lots of different things about how big he'll be when he is born. I don't want to not have something that fits him, so I got six different sized onesies. One of these has got to work. But after our baby care class, I'm not sure I want to deal with onesies right away. I'm hoping to find some of those shirts that cross over with snaps. If I do, those will replace the onesies.
Update: I'm glad I brought different sizes. Gunnar was a long baby for a newborn and I had to try a couple things to get something to fit.
3. Shorts - to complete the outfit and protect his legs in the car seat.
Update: He did wear these home
4. Scratch Mittens - these probably won't be used, but just in case...
Update: He should have worn these but they were kinda big. He had the longest nails at birth and scratched his face. I ended up sending Kevin home for his nail file.
5. Socks - they're just cute.
Update: He wore these home too
6. Vaseline - I read on a blog that if you coat the baby butt right away with this stuff, it really helps with cleaning up the meconium (first poop).
Update: We didn't have a problem with cleaning the meconium off his butt, so we didn't use the vasoline
I was going to bring some pacifiers too, but I decided against it because I really want to establish breastfeeding with him. I hope he's not super fussy and requires one...
That's it for the little guy. We have about a 10 minute ride home, so I think he'll be good until he gets to his room.
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