October 27, 2014

Recovery: Two Months

While Gunnar Bear has changed so much over the last two months, in my opinion, I have not.  My recovery has been slow.  I still have pains around my incision and it's still numb above it.  I stopped bleeding after about 4 weeks, so that's good.  My stomach still looks like hell.  It bothers me.  I can't wear anything that I used to wear before Gunnar, including underwear.  I had to go out and buy giant granny panties.  They are the only thing that stay up over my incision.  It is completely demoralizing.  I haven't been able to exercise because of the heat or rain.  It's just starting to cool off now, so I hope to take Gunnar on walks in the neighborhood.  When he gets a little older, I want to get a jogging stroller and complete a couch to 5K program.

Despite the fact that I really don't have time to eat, I haven't lost any more weight.  My feet are still swollen, but I can fit into more shoes.  My fall boots still don't fit which breaks my heart.  Not that I could wear them anyway since I don't fit into any jeans.

My skin is very, very slowing getting back to normal.  I have a feeling this will take a long time.  I just have to be patient.  My one pregnancy perk, thicker hair, is starting to go away too.  It's not coming out in clumps like some people have mentioned, but I can see that it isn't as full as it used to be.  I'm sad to see this go, but as soon as my hair is back to "normal", I'm getting a hair cut.  Already have it picked out and everything.

Still not as regular as I was before getting pregnant.  I think I have worked the hardest on this.  I don't have to take Miralax anymore, but I think I will be on a steady colace-a-day for a while.  I'm kinda surprised that having a baby has messed up my system this much...

I knew that having a baby would be hard on my body, but I had no idea it would damage it so completely.  I have days were I feel so ugly and not even looking at my sweet baby makes it better.  I want to start working out, and have the ok to do so from my doctor, I just don't have the time with the baby, my job, Kevin's school, the pets and this crappy Florda rental.  Plus, I wonder if it will even make a difference...

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