October 10, 2014

Two Months

Time is flying, just like everybody said it would.  My maternity leave is almost over.  Gotta squeeze every little bit out of this time...

And here's a fun one because he was really happy that day.  See, he does smile.  And when he does, it melts my heart.

Some things about our two month little cub:

- Still has blue eyes!

- Kicks all the time now and even tries standing when I hold him up

- Getting better with diaper changes.  I think he figured out he can torture Mommy at this time, he grins and smiles now while he makes it difficult for me

- He yells when he's mad.  His hits this specific pitch that hurts our ears

- Favorite toy is his crinkle star

- Got his first big round of vaccinations.  I think I cried just as much as he did.

- First big event: Oktoberfest!

- Stays awake for longer periods of time.  Learning to sleep more at bedtime than during the day.

- So close to holding his head up on his own.  I feel like any day he'll do it.  I can't wait for this milestone, it will open up a whole new world for us.

- I think I got a real smile, like one he meant for me.  I died.

- Loves to suck on his fingers

- Has the most long and beautiful eye lashes


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