December 19, 2014

Four Months

Four months.  FOUR MONTHS!  I just can't believe how fast time goes by with a baby.  I still remember the day he was born like it was yesterday.  Gunnar has so much personality now, it's kind of amazing that someone so new to the world can be so big in it.

Anyway.  Here are the stats for our four month old little Gunnar Bear.


- Eyes are still blue!

- Working on rolling over.  I won't say he rolls over from back to tummy just yet, but he is so close.

- Started daycare and is doing really well in it.  His teachers love him.

- First cold (thanks daycare!)

- First school project! (thanks daycare!)

- First plane ride

- First vacation/ trip

- First trip to Michigan and hopefully first snow

- Grabs toys perfectly now and everything goes straight to his mouth.

- Putting feet in his mouth now

- Saw a ceiling fan for the first time, was completely mesmerized

- Getting big!  13.7 lbs and 25.5 inches!  Now in 6 month size for the length.

- Sleeping in longer stretches.  Pretty soon he'll be sleeping through the night.

- Likes to stand

- Constantly moving, talking and laughing

- Went to his first birthday party and went on the swings for the first time

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