September 9, 2016

Gunnar's 2nd Birthday - Part 2

Here's the party!  It was a monster theme.  Lots of pinterest projects and a whole day to get ready.  I'm happy, for the most part, about how everything turned out.  Some projects were better than others. It was the first time we had people over to the new house so I was stressed beyond belief.  I got all ambitious and invited people I work with...including my boss.  Everything had to look great.  I think people had a good time.  Gunnar made out like a bandit again this year.  


Here are the details:

These looked like bacteria to me

The goodie table.  The stuffed monsters were from Ikea and were a $1!

Monster bubbles.  So easy!

I'm going to try and make a photo number every year.

Both entries were turned into monsters.  The big orange monster is our bookcase covered in fleece.

Not the best picture of the cake, but there were monsters around the food and the frame with his picture was a monster too. 

This was a complete pain in the butt to make...

Here's the Photo Booth this year!

And here's the fun!

Like I said, spoiled!

Opening presents is serious business!

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