November 24, 2013

Body wash

I have to share a discovery I made this past week with you because I'm really excited about it.  Since we moved to a house that is significantly smaller than the one we had in Georgia, unpacking has been slow.  Around Wednesday, I finally got to opening a box that has been sitting in my bathroom for a month.  I knew what was in it, but hadn't had the motivation to unpack it because I didn't where the stuff was going to go.  When I went through it, I discovered that I only had one body wash left in my collection of bath products.  This. Was. Huge.  I promised myself over a year ago that I could not buy any more body wash until I went through my collection (it had grown pretty obscene).  I actually stuck to this rule and used almost my ENTIRE supply!  Go me.

Hey, it's the little things, you know?  Now, on to the lotion collection...


The lone survivor

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