September 1, 2015

Gunnar's Baptism

I put off getting Gunnar baptized way longer than I wanted to.  Mostly because I didn't want him baptized in Florida, I wanted him in MI with all our friends and family.  When we finally moved home, I quickly went about setting up his baptism with the church where we always go to midnight mass.  I  worked so hard to get everything perfect for Little man's big day on July 19th.  I ordered a cake and cookies, had prayer cards printed, elaborate invites made and planned a reception at the restaurant on the golf course.  I even got some decorations for the tables.  

When it was all said and done, there were things I loved, and things I hated.  I always tend to go overboard when planning events because I ABSOLUTELY LOVE to plan parties.  And with pinterest available, the possibilities are endless.  And it doesn't help that only rarely does anything meet my expectations.

Gunnar did a great job at church and I'm so pleased that he has started his spiritual journey.  Now, I get a bit of a break until First Communion...


Notice Gunnar is hanging on by my hair.

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