August 23, 2012

August Cold

I don't get sick that often.  But when I do, it usually puts me on my butt.  Thus my current situation: camped out in bed, pretty much for the entire evening, alternating between unconsciousness and delusional.  I knew I was in trouble last night when I lost the ability to breathe out of my left nostril.  I woke up this morning with so much pressure in my head, I'm surprised I didn't float around the room.  Who gets a head cold in August?!  This girl.  And instead of staying home and sleeping it off (which my body was BEGGING me to do), I sucked it up and went to work.  I'm the employee that always feels guilty about calling in, even though I truly am sick and need to stay home.

Cue my fabulous husband.  Kevin had chicken noodle soup and a Reese's cup waiting for me when I walked in the door.  After sleeping until 6, I had dinner curled up in bed and now it's off to take a shot of NyQuil and pass out.  


Chicken Noodle soup in bed.  Doesn't get any better than that!

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