August 21, 2012

Farmer's Market

My FAVORITE place to shop for groceries is the Dekalb Farmer's Market.  For one thing, it's HUGE!  They're more like a super market.  Besides the fresh fruits and veggies, they have a deli, fish and meats, a dairy section, fresh flowers, a bakery and a very large wine and dried goods section.  But my favorite thing...the spices!!  The deals are redic.  I will never buy spices from a store again.  Kevin laughs at me because I get so excited when we run out of a spice.  What can I say?  I love a deal.  :)


Kevin heading toward the back, to the beer and wine.  :)

This is the spice wall.  You can't see it in the pic, but I'm pointing out the price.  $0.41 for this container of mustard seed!

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