August 31, 2012

Breakfast Fail

I was feeling ambitious this morning (plus we were out of yogurt for smoothies), so I tried to make myself an omelet for breakfast. I've never tried it before and I found instructions in our copy of "Be Thrifty". I thought I was doing OK until the eggs were almost done. Somehow I got to the point that I couldn't get the uncooked eggs on top to drain under the fluffy cooked eggs. I think they cooked enough that they weren't runny enough to slide underneath, but they weren't cooked enough to not be a little runny. (Wow, that sentence is pretty craptacular) Nevertheless, I carried on and added my cheese, green peppers, and onions to the middle, folded it over, and slid it onto my plate. It looked great. In my haste to sample my concoction I forgot to take a picture. I was hoping that the slightly runny eggs would continue to cook a little bit and solidify. Sadly that wasn't the case. Plus my green peppers and onions were frozen and I didn't have them over the heat long enough to warm up. So my lovely looking omelet was filled with slightly runny eggs in the center and cold veggies. Next time I will try it with just two eggs and I'll find a way to warm up the veggies before I add them. I think having three eggs made the omelet too thick for the top to cook before the bottom started to burn. Or it was just my sloppy technique since this was my first attempt. Hopefully round two will go my way.

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