January 4, 2013

Kendi Christmas

Christmas in the Haus of Kendi was a mix of hectic and festive.  We had a lot to do before we hit I-75N, home to MI.  We did decorate the house and put up a tree and Kevin took his mini tree to work for his desk.  I was very pleased with how everything came out and I have a bunch of ideas for next Christmas. 

The house all decorated.  It looked so pretty at night.

I'm very proud of the wreath that I made.  It was before Pinterest.  ;-)

Decorating the tree in my giant sweater and boots.  I'm wearing mistletoe on my head.  :)

Kevin made his grandpa's Nuts and Bolts.  They have it every year at Christmas time.  I'm so lucky I married a man that knows this recipe.

I even got us tickets to see a performance of The Nutcracker.  I love the music, but I always see Fantasia in my head even when I watch the ballet.

Waiting for the show to start.  We got good seats.

Kevin took his mini tree to work to sit on his desk for the holidays.  I wonder if it was a distraction...

And what would holidays be without hearing Linus tell us about the true meaning of Christmas...


As it got closer to Christmas, it got more and more crowded under the tree.  Hope everyone liked their presents.  We worked really hard on making and picking good ones!


Needless to say, the boys were less than thrilled with all the holiday antics...

Cheers!  And here's to next Christmas!

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