January 7, 2013

Meet the Fam

Introductions have never been my thing, which is why I'm just getting around to the other members of the Haus of Kendi.  They've already been featured in posts on this blog, but there should probably be a formal introduction so we all officially know each other...

This is Stanton.  Also known as Kat.  Kevin adopted her from a rescue.  All her kittens had found homes already and she was waiting for one too.  She doesn't like me much.  People say it's because I'm competition.  Who knows.  She's a very friendly cat and loves to snuggle and get pets.  She's the princess of the haus.


This is Winchester, better known as Chester.  Kevin was told by a friend about a puppy wandering around a park.  The dog went to the vet to be held for the possible owner.  When no one showed up to claim him, Kevin, in the mood for a dog, went and got him.  Chester also loves lots of attention and can be a little too...free...with his love for pets.  He also is a little high strung when it comes to guarding the house (as in leaves and squirrels are the devil), but I have never felt safer than when I'm home alone with Chester.  Nothing gets by him.  :)


Last but not least is Freeman, the baby of the haus.  I thought that another dog might calm Chester down a bit and keep him company.  People with multiple dogs said that you really don't notice a difference between having one dog or two.  When we were out shopping one day, the Pet Smart was having adoptions.  I wanted to check it out.  They had a few dogs and I liked a little beagle, until I heard it bark.  No thanks.  Freeman was the only dog not making a sound.  He was just sitting in his cage looking around.  I knew he was the one when a little girl, about 3 years old, stuck her fingers into his cage.  He licked her and kept looking around at all the people.  He went home with us 15 minutes later.


And that's everyone in the Kendi Haus!  (But I'm still trying to work on Kevin to get some fish...)


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