June 19, 2014

Bump Diaries 2.19

This week was kinda boring.  I've had some bad headaches, which the books say is normal.  Seems like every new symptom for the week, I get.  I've also joined the heartburn club.  I've never had heartburn in my life, but Kevin has it all the time.  To be honest, I've never really had a lot of sympathy for it.  Mostly because I didn't really know what it felt like.  Well, I feel really bad for him if this is what he has to deal with all the time.  It sucks.  

We go in for an ultrasound next week to found out if it's a boy or girl.  The wait is killing me.  I want to buy clothes and little things that are gender specific.  There's not a lot of gender neutral stuff out there and I think I already registered for most of it.  I have these really strong feeling that it's a girl.  I'm dying to know if I'm right...

I think I might feel movement, but since I've never been pregnant before, I'm not really sure what a baby moving inside you is supposed to feel like.

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