January 28, 2015

Five Months

Our little bear is changing so fast lately!  He surprises me everyday with new things he can do.  His personality is coming in strong.  I can't wait to see what the next months bring!

Here are the stats for five months:

- Eyes are blue in the sunlight, brown inside.  Since sun is the only true light, I'm saying his eyes are blue

- Rolling over all the time now and super proud of himself because of it.  Even slept on his tummy last night

- Slept the WHOLE night one night.  Now sure if this was a fluke...

- Trying out new sounds with his mouth.  The pic above is his new thing where he keeps his lips closed and makes noises

- He's such a flirt and ladies man.  He's won all the hearts at daycare

- He smiles with his whole face.  He's a really happy baby

- He likes to quietly observe things.  And you can tell he's thinking things out.

- Plays with his toys a lot now.  Reaches and shakes them.  Even tries to creep toward them

- Working on sitting up on his own

- Loves his Baby Einstein bouncer.  Cracks us up when he plays in it

- He hugs now.  Not sure if he understands what he's doing, but it melts my heart just the same

- He also "pets" everything now.  And he loves to pet his dogs.  Freeman is getting really good at sitting still so Gunnar can "pet" him (I'm not sure Freeman even feels aything at this point...)

- He reaches out for you to pick him up from his car seat

- Sucks on his toes

- Interested in EVERYTHING!  Especially his bag of diapers on the changing table, which makes it difficult (and funny) to change him

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