June 18, 2015

A Good Teacher

I've managed to stay in touch with my sixth grade teacher all this time.  She was my favorite teacher. I've had really great teachers my whole education, but three stand out the most and Ms. Marks is the top spot.  And, yes, despite her asking me to call her Margie, I still call her Ms. Marks. Old habits die hard.  :)

I've reached out to her at every milestone in my life.  She was at my wedding and if I hadn't been living in Florida at the time, I'm sure she would have met my son right after he was born.  Good teachers stay with you.  Always.

She retired from teaching this year after 30 years.  The timing was perfect for us to go to her retirement party and for her to meet Gunnar.  After all this time, she still looks and sounds just like the lady I meet the first day of sixth grade.  I swear she hasn't aged a bit.

So, congratulations Ms. Marks!  I'm sure I'm not the only student you left a lasting impression with. Enjoy your very well deserved rest.


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