June 16, 2015

Nine Months

Still trying to play catch up with the monthly stats.  This move back to MI really threw me off.  I'll have everything back on track this month.  In the mean time, here are the stats for nine!

-Eyes are a smokey blue with brown around the iris.  They are very pretty and I hope they don't change any more.

-Pulling himself up and standing

-Taking small steps when you hold his hands

-Eating "meals" (the puree baby food that has meat and veggies mixed).

-Very good at eating

-Mastered blowing raspberries

-Has climbed up four steps by himself!

-Really comfortable around the dogs now.  Goes up and pets them like he has been doing it forever.

-Has started sleeping on his tummy

-He crawls so fast now!

-Start expressing his opinion when he gets mad or wants something

-Challenges you (throwing things on the floor even though you tell him no.  Looks at you the whole time)

-Started swim class!

-First art fair

-Getting good at the swings

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