June 29, 2015

Ten Months

Still playing catch up with these.  Gunnar has become harder to photograph because he rarely sits still these days and I don't have the same set up I had in Florida.  But it will be a complete picture set come hell or high water!



Here are the stats for 10 months:

-Eyes holding at blue/brown

-Three teeth came in at once!  Then two more for a total of 7!

-Says uh oh!

-Climbed all the way up the stairs without stopping

-Walking along the couch while holding on

-First baby cookies!

-Starting to eat more grown-up food

-Mimics sound

-Mastered his basketball hoop

-Learns really quickly by watching you

-A pro at the swings

-And I hear he has a girlfriend at his Tuesday swim lesson.  Which doesn't surprise me because this little guy is the biggest flirt with the ladies I have ever seen!

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