July 28, 2014

Hospital Bag: Mommy Edition

One of my goals this past weekend was to finish packing my bag for the hospital.  Since I'm 37 weeks, I can go into labor any time now.  I have a tendency to over pack, and I'm sure this is no exception.  It all fits in one bag, including the baby's stuff.  I think I can even fit Kevin's things in there if I really wanted too...

After reading a bunch of blogs about what other mommies packed, and suggestions from my mommy friends and the nurses that taught our baby classes, this is what I decided to take.  Not sure if it will all be used.  I'll be sure to do an update of what I actually needed and what I didn't.


Lets start with the big stuff first.

1. Mini Fans - it's been 90 degrees here in Florida and I doubt it will cool down in August.  These fans might come in handy for mommy and daddy when labor gets really tough.
Update: used a little at the beginning of labor

2. Socks - I'm thinking these are thick enough to double as slippers. And the ones with the face will make me smile when I am in pain.
Update: wore these as slippers after I had the baby and was walking around

3. Tennis Ball - The nurse that taught our Lamaze class said this was good to use as a massager if I have back labor.
Update: Didn't use this, had an epidural

4. Nursing Bras - two sizes. Wearing one of these home.
Update: I did end up wearing these home

5. Sports Bra - bought a cheapo from Walmart to wear during labor and toss after.  I'll have access to a jacuzzi tub, so this will be helpful there.  Not planning on wearing a lot while in labor.
Update: Didn't wear this.  My labor moved quickly to an epidural, so I didn't use the jacuzzi tub

6. Nightgown and Robe - not sure if this will stay in the bag.  It was a gift from my MIL and I really like it, it's so soft.  The light color doesn't seem post pardem friendly, since I'm told I'll be a bloody mess after the baby is here...
Update: I just stayed in the hospital gown the whole time.  It was easier for nursing.

7. Going Home Outfit - loose fitting black dress.  Cuz, you know, the whole bloody mess thing.
Update: Wore this home.  It was too short because I still had a big belly.  I was a little self conscious.

8. Journal/ Pen - I journal.  A lot.  I want to be able to write down everything I remember about Little Man's birthday.  I'll be telling him the story every year.  It's tradition.
Update: Wish I would have taken the time to write, but I was so tired

9. Shower Shoes - just some cheapos from Old Navy
Update: I didn't take a shower

Now the little things...

1. Pads - I know they will give you these at the hospital, but I am picky.  Just wanted to make sure I have something that I like.
Update:  I used the hospital ones

2. Toothbrush and Toothpaste - bought a new one so I for sure won't forget it.  At least I'll have a clean mouth at the end of the day.
Update: yes

3. Tums - I've had such bad heartburn this pregnancy, I don't go any where without these things now.
Update: Didn't need these after labor

4. Cocoa Butter - I've been using cocoa butter twice a day for months to help with stretch marks.  Can't stop now, unless they tell me to.
Update: Didn't use because of the c-section

5. Shampoo and Conditioner
Update: Didn't take a shower

6. E.L.F Face Mist - I can't be without this.  It's very hydrating on the face.  I think it will be nice to spray when I'm exhausted or gross during labor.
Update: Yes!  This was amazing after being in bed for two days.  It was all I could do to move to the bathroom, so freshening up with this was amazing

7. Cleansing Clothes - I'm not bringing my face soap because it's a pain.  Just get these guys wet and you have a soapy towel ready to go!  These are amazing on long flights too.  Just saying.
Update: Yes! It was easy to use when I was in pain and couldn't bend over to wash my face

8.  Breast Pads - in case my milk comes in right when he gets here.
Update: nope

9. Chapstick
Update: Yes!

10. Deodorant
Update: Yes!

11. Q-Tips - I hate wet ears.
Update: Since I didn't take a shower, I didn't need these

12. Hair ties and clips - I have really long hair.  It drives me crazy when it gets in my face on a normal day.  I can't imagine the rage I would go into if I had to fight with it while in labor.
Update: I did end up using these for labor and after.  Once I ran a brush through my hair...

13. Cleansing Towelettes - another thing to help refresh me during labor.
Update: Used after labor

14. Face Lotion
Update: yes

15-18. 5-Minute Face Kit - I want to look some what good for the first pictures with my baby.  This is the bare minimum to give me some confidence.  Loreal BB Cream and concealer for my skin.  Mascara to look awake and some tinted lip balm and gloss.  Not too much, but still pretty.  :)
Update: I used this one day for pictures, but the photographer never came

19. Plastic Bags - (not pictured) to put dirty clothes or shoes in.  Or to carry things out to the car.  It's always nice to have some extra bags in case you need them.
Update:  Both Kevin and I used these

20. Prenatal Vitamins - (not pictured) specifically with DHA for breastmilk.
Update: Nope

21. Brush and Comb (not pictured)
Update: Yes!

I was also told to bring the breastfeeding pillow I would be using at home by a bunch of friends.  After doing lots of research, I decided to go with the My Brest Friend pillow.  It didn't hurt that Babies R Us put it on sale a few weeks ago...

Update: I did used the nursing pillow a lot while trying to get the hang of breatfeeding

I'll also be grabbing some pillows to bring for me and Kevin at the hospital too.  I was told that hospital pillows aren't that comfortable and that the one I'll be delivering at has a shortage.  Kevin will get to spend the night, so he'll need something.  Not that I think we'll be getting a lot of sleep...

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