July 12, 2014

Fourth of July

When you're eight months pregnant, special occasions seem to mean something different.  Fourth of July is one of my favorite holidays (right behind Christmas and Halloween).  I love fireworks and BBQs and since my birthday is four days later, I secretly think that all the fireworks are for me too.  Hey, sharing an almost birthday with the greatest nation on Earth isn't bad...

This was how I spent the fourth:

Soaking my giant cankle feet in a warm epsom salt bath.  Kevin forced me to do it and it really helped my feet.  I was doing one every time I felt my feet get tight.  So take note preggy ladies.  If your feet swell up, try this.  It doesn't work miracles, but it will make you feel better.

I did manage to go out to dinner with some coworkers.  I got some really good ribs, grilled shrimp, corn and watermelon.  It was like I was at a real picnic for the fourth.  No fireworks for me though.

Oh well.  Here's to celebrating next year with little man.  I can't wait to see his face for his first fireworks.  :)


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