Anyway. Here are the stats for our four month old little Gunnar Bear.
- Eyes are still blue!
- Working on rolling over. I won't say he rolls over from back to tummy just yet, but he is so close.
- Started daycare and is doing really well in it. His teachers love him.
- First cold (thanks daycare!)
- First school project! (thanks daycare!)
- First plane ride
- First vacation/ trip
- First trip to Michigan
- Grabs toys perfectly now and everything goes straight to his mouth.
- Putting feet in his mouth now
- Saw a ceiling fan for the first time, was completely mesmerized
- Getting big! 13.7 lbs and 25.5 inches! Now in 6 month size for the length.
- Sleeping in longer stretches. Pretty soon he'll be sleeping through the night.
- Likes to stand
- Constantly moving, talking and laughing
- Went to his first birthday party and went on the swings for the first time