May 7, 2014

Bump Diaries 2.14

Officially in my second trimester!  They say this is when things start to feel better.  The nausea goes away, you have more energy, you glow, etc.  I don't feel that.  Any of it.  I'm still nauseous but not as often and I still have some tenderness in my boobs.  And sleeping is getting more difficult each night.  I hope that things will start to look up for me, but I guess if they don't, that's ok too.

We decided to tell our parents the day after our heartbeat appointment.  I still didn't want to but Kevin said he couldn't wait any longer.  And maybe it would help me not worry so much if I could see how happy everyone else was.  The thing about keeping a big secret for so long is, you get used to it.  I kinda liked having this information that no one else knew.  It was fun to talk to my friends about all these other people having babies being the only one knowing I was three months pregnant.  A part of me didn't want to share the news.  I was terrified of the possibility of having to have the conversation of something bad happening to the baby with my family.  If I didn't tell them I was pregnant, then I didn't have to tell them that I wasn't any more.  But it wasn't fair to Kevin who had waited patiently for the sound of a heartbeat to be able to tell our parents.  So I went first.  And started with my mom.  It didn't go like I wanted.  She didn't really act surprised and said "I kinda figured you were".  I was hurt that there wasn't immediate excitement when I told her.  It was like when I told her I got engaged and she was on painkillers for a root canal and didn't remember our conversation.  Needless to say, I was bummed.  She did cry, though, when I called her busia (polish for grandma) and that made me feel a little better.  Then I called my dad.  It took me longer to come out and say it and it wasn't any better than when I told my mom.  My dad started clearing his throat, a lot, and said that he had to go.  I asked if he was happy and he said he was surprised and a little scared.  That he felt the same way he did when my mom told him she was pregnant.  It was a short conversation after that.  Again, not what I was expecting or hoping for.  I tried my aunt next but she didn't answer so I told Kevin to call his parents.  When he FINALLY got around to telling them, it was more of the same lack of excitement.  At this point I was done.  I started crying and said that I wished we hadn't said anything.  That the next baby they would find out about when it got here.  Needless to say, it was a rough night.

Valentine's Day.  I had a great gift for Kevin.  I found a plain white frame and wrote "I love you already, Daddy!" on the bottom and put one of the ultrasound pictures in it.  I thought it would be nice for him to have it on his desk and brag.  He is so happy and Daddys-to-be don't usually get a lot of attention.  And he got chocolate of course.  We also told the people we worked with today.  My team reacted with more of the same "excitement" that I had gotten with our families.  Plus, I think they were secretly mad about it.  The surprise that people seem to be having with our news is puzzling to me.  I am 32 years old and have been married for almost 4 years.  I've been ready for a baby for two years.  And we have been "trying" for two years.  The shock/ surprise people claim seems like they have not been paying attention.  But, it was out in the open now.  Only a few more people to tell then we could go Facebook public with our news.

While Kevin was visiting his parents in Fort Meyers, I took my first steps into maternity clothing.  I went to Burlington Coat Factory to see if I could find some jeans to wear.  I am currently down to about four pairs that I can still wear and I have two pairs of leggings.  I tried on a pair of skinny jeans and looked in the mirror.  They looked nice.  They "fit".  But I just stared.  How are maternity pants supposed to fit anyway?

We went to the beach today to take the picture I want to use to announce my pregnancy.  It took a while to set everything up in the sand.  The  waves were fighting me.  I think we ended up getting a good shot to use.  People had to ask questions every time they passed.  Nosy.  Kevin's photography coworker thinks that we can edit the pic to make it work for us.  

I tried the BellyBand today.  Not sure I did it right.  I wore it under a white tank.  I didn't like how you could see it under the tank so clearly so I folded it over.  Then it was too tight on my belly.  It didn't really keep my pants up any better than my hair tie trick.  I ended up taking it off in the middle of the lab.  Lol.  


  1. If you are going to report something-report it right! I was excited when you told me I said I had
    a feeling you were pregnant then started screaming and talking about a baby shower. Don't
    lump me in with all the other negative people. You do that alot!

  2. I'm sure you were/are excited, but there was no screaming. Perhaps you are thinking of another conversation where you were screaming to someone else, like Karen. I know how the conversation went. And I know how I felt after it was over.
