May 3, 2014

Bump Diaries 1.12

Made it to twelve weeks.  They say that if you get this far the chances of miscarriage decrease greatly.  I'm glad to have reached 12 weeks, but I'm not in that joyful pregnancy stage yet.  I'm still very worried about things.  Normally, you would go into your OBGYN and get your first ultrasound around 12 weeks.  Since I had an ultrasound at 7 weeks, they pushed my next appointment back.  I'll be going in again at almost 14 weeks.  The wait is killing me.  I want to know what's going on in there so badly.  I feel that if I can just hear the heartbeat, it will be proof that everything is going well and I can finally relax.  I'm kinda irritated that I'm not on the typical schedule for pregnant ladies.  I don't see why I have to wait longer just because I had an ultrasound earlier than most women.  

While this is usually the time when it is "safe" to start telling people, I'm still not ready to say anything.  I have told Kevin that we can tell our family and friends after we hear the heartbeat.  I hope we both can make it til then...

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