April 28, 2014

Bump Diaries 1.9

Still nauseous and exhausted.  Starting to think that might just be how this pregnancy is going to go.  It's becoming more difficult to find a good position to sleep in.  I'm surrounded by pillows because my boobs hurt so much.  Still craving Mexican Pizzas from Taco Bell but trying to control it.   Went through all my clothes and packed away anything that didn't fit.  I'm having trouble fitting into my pants.  I have to do that trick with the hair tie around the button to keep them up.  Thought about getting a Belly Band but I just don't know.  Anyway.  I packed all my pre-pregnancy clothes away to make room for all the maternity things I have.  If I can track down the bin I put them in...

I put some clothes to the side to consign but I hope to one day fit in to most of the things again.  My goal is one year.  I lost a lot of weight before, I can do it again.  I just need the will power.

All the clothes I don't fit into anymore

Still trying to hide everything from people.  It's getting harder.  I have so much work to do and I'm so tired, it would be nice to have an excuse to cut back to three projects at a time instead of five.  But I'm not saying anything.  Not yet.  

My plan for dealing with pregnancy constipation seemed to work.  While I'm not back to normal, I'm not backed up either.  I'm going to stick with limiting the cheese and having more fruits and veggies and water.  I think I can cut back to one colase a day now until I start to have a BM every other day... 

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